Saturday, July 20, 2013

Standard Textbook of Cosmetology © 1961

I added this book to Cindy's Cupboard today.

It contains numerous pearls of wisdom, 
but I particularly loved the following two pages.

A Well-Groomed Beautician

Will you be a success..or...failure?

Plan a visit to Generations Antique Mall 
and visit Cindy's Cupboard, booth #59 
to see this textbook in person!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sewing, Embroidery, House Plants and Herbs!

Do you need help with sewing? Or, embroidery?

How about help with your house plants or growing herbs?

These great books are now available for purchase
at Cindy's Cupboard 

Why don't you plan a visit?

In addition to shopping the mall, you can admire 
which feature Route 66 signage embedded in the intersection, 
a large bronze clock and benches.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Better Homes and Gardens Cook Books

I love vintage cook books, 
especially Better Homes and Gardens cook books from the early 1970's. 

In the After Work Cook Book, 

I found this lovely dish, Confetti Meatball Supper!
Who wouldn't want to come home to such a festive meal?

The After Work Cook Book, 
as well as those listed below,
are all now available for purchase from Cindy's Cupboard.

Blender Cook Book
Oven Meals
Favorite Ways with Chicken, Turkey, Duck and Game Birds
Make Ahead Cook Book
Good Food on a Budget
Meat Stretcher Cook Book
Home Canning Cook Book

Why don't you plan a visit to the Cupboard in Generations Antique Mall today?

In addition to shopping the mall, you can admire 
which feature Route 66 signage embedded in the intersection, 
a large bronze clock and benches. 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Cindy's Cupboard has Consolidated!

A new year brings new beginnings and that is true for Cindy's Cupboard. Effective January1, 2013, Cindy's Cupboard has been consolidated into one location.

Booth #59
Generations Antique Mall
4810 E. 11th Street
Tulsa, OK  74112

Generations is located at the corner of 11th & Yale, next to Tally's Good Food Cafe.

The booth is fully stocked. Why don't you plan a visit? We would love to see you!