Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Vintage Series Books

Cindy's Cupboard, location #1, in Antique NV
has a wide variety of series books from the 1920's and 1930's. 

To name a few:

A selection of vintage school textbooks and cookbooks are also available.

As well as fun children's books.

Plan a visit to Antique NV today to browse the books!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Vintage Cook Books

I'll be delivering new items to Cindy's Cupboard, Booth #1 in Antique NV
on Tuesday, July 10th. 
Included in the delivery are these three vintage cookbooks.

Everyone needs good Crisco recipes.

Hellman's Mayonnaise recipes!

And, finally, Reynolds Wrap recipes. 

Included in the Reynolds Wrap cookbook is a recipe for these lovely Hot Doggities. 
Don't they look delicious? (ha!)

Score surface of frankfurters lightly, spiraling from end to end.
Insert wooden skewer in one end.
Roll frankfurters in catsup, then in cornflake crumbs.
Place Reynolds Wrap in shallow pan.
Bake frankfurters in 350° F oven for 15 minutes.

Why don't you mosey on over to Antique NV in Jenks and check out the books in Cindy's Cupboard? You might be surprised at what you will find!